We preach Christ crucified.

What’s happening at CRPC?

Every Sunday:

9:30am Adult Bible Study: Scripture, catechism & cultural engagement

9:30am Children’s Bible Study: following the lectionary (RCL) used in worship

10:30am Divine Worship Service: God’s Promised-Presence in Word and Sacrament!

Priests of the Round Table: After worship, grab Nate and start a conversation!


PRAYERS (Every Wednesday at 4:30pm)

Join others as we gather to call upon the name of the LORD. He commands us to pray and he desires to hear from us. We will review the upcoming Sunday hymns as well.

SCRIPTURE IN DEPTH: EPHESIANS (Every Wednesday at 5:15pm)

In a video-led presentation with NT professor, Doug Moo, we will study Paul’s letter to the church in Rome from one of the foremost Roman scholars. The Book of Romans is the closest we get to a systematic organized whole: sin and wrath, belief and justification, baptism and union with Christ, sanctification, Israel and the church, and much more!

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY (Every Monday at 1:30pm)

Come join the ladies of CRPC and the Christian community at large on the topic of ‘What Jesus Did’ as they listen to RC Sproul lay out what Jesus did on the cross. Contact Carolyn for further information. 307-575-7022


TGIT (THANK GOD IT’S TUESDAY!) (Every FIRST Tuesday at 7pm)

In obedience to Jesus’ commission to GO into all the world, we are committed to finding venues whereby we can bring the message of forgiveness of sins. Invite your friends & join the discussion on “None Greater” at: Open Barrel Brewing Company, 1930 Main Street.


We will meet between 6:30am-8:30am at Nate and Susan’s. Bring a snack to share, but show up if you’re empty handed; there will be enough.

Jesus Christ is the ’for you’ (pro nobis) and ‘in you’ (in nobis) of God.

Your servant leaders at CRPC are keenly aware of the depth and riches of the Christian faith; it is inexhaustible! But even the great apostle Paul believed the core revelation of God’s wisdom was Christ crucified (1 Cor 1:20-25). Why was Christ crucified Paul’s focus, and why is that our focus? It’s simple. Christ reveals and secures God’s kindly heart toward the us. Because of Christ, God is ‘for us’ (pro nobis) and by faith, Christ is ‘in us’ (in nobis).

Southern Seminary provides this video:

"Should Christians tithe? Is tithing required in the New Testament?"

Dr. Thomas Schreiner answers in Honest Answers, Episode 35


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(720) 314-9930