CRPC Annual Fall Conference
Every fall CRPC hosts a conference wherein we invite guest speakers to present a relevant issue of our day from a biblical perspective. See videos of our previous Fall Conferences below.
Eighth Annual CRPC Fall Conference
Our 2024 Speaker: Dr. Hamilton
Author of numerous books, commentaries and journals, Dr. Hamilton is a leading voice in the Biblical Theology Movement, which focuses on God’s redemptive acts and plan in the Bible. Dr. Hamilton is professor of biblical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and preaching pastor at Kenwood Baptist church. His wife, Jill, will accompany him along with his family - an event you’ll not want to miss!
Seventh Annual CRPC Fall Conference, September, 2023
Our 2023 Speaker: Dr. Darrell Bock
Dr. Bock is a Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. He also serves as Professor for Spiritual Development and Culture for the seminary’s Center for Christian Leadership, where his special focus has been on serving as a theological consultant to the spiritual formation program at the seminary. His special fields of study involve hermeneutics, the use of the Old Testament in the New, Luke-Acts, the historical Jesus, gospel studies, and the integration of theology and culture. He is a graduate of the University of Texas (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), and the University of Aberdeen (Ph.D.)
Sixth Annual CRPC Fall Conference
Our 2022 Speaker: Dr. Douglas Moo
Dr. Moo is a world-renowned bible scholar whose expertise is on the Apostle Paul. Author of more than 20 books and commentaries, his NICNT Romans Commentary after 20 years is now in its second edition. One of the world’s leading authorities on Pauline Theology, his new release: A Theology of Paul and His Letters is now available. He is currently serving as Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College.
Fourth Annual CRPC Fall Conference, with Dr Bruce Ware, September 19, 2020
Session 1
Session 2
Session 1 Q&A
Session 2 Q&A
Third Annual CRPC Fall Conference, Dr. Thomas Schreiner, September 14, 2019
Session 1
Session 2
Session 1, Q&A
Session 2, Q&A